Petplan Equine


21 of 24 insurers by customers


Read customer reviews of Petplan Equine Insurance, which has been a leading horse and rider insurance provider since 1988. Known for their specialist knowledge of equine insurance Petplan Equine offer policies that can be tailored to individual needs.

They offer Horse Insurance, Pony Insurance, a Veteran Plan and Rider Insurance. If you buy online they offer 1 month free cover.

Their Horse Insurance is suitable for every horse owner, whether they are a first time owner or a serious competitor and has flexible benefits you can tailor to suit your needs. As well as vet fee cover it offers access to a 24 hour a day legal advice helpline and cover for loss by theft or straying or the death of your horse. 

Petplan's Veteran Plan offers value for money cover for horses and ponies over 17 years of age. The cover offers payment on the death of your horse due to injury, optional vet fee cover for injuries, a choice of personal cover and dental cover for rider or handler and optional cover for tack and saddlery.     

Rider Insurance provides personal accident cover for riders and handlers from 5 to 75 years of age with cover for hospital stays due to an accident with your horse. It also offers emergency vet fee cover and cover for riding equipment if it is lost or damaged. 

Petplan's Pony Insurance provides a standard benefit covering death and humane destruction, theft and straying in the event of the loss of your pony. Their policy covers vet fees and diagnostic tests up to a limit that you choose, and third party insurance that protects you if you are found liable for damage to someone's property or person. 

Some customers find Petplan Equine responsive and helpful while others have been dismayed by their slow responses or refusal to pay out.   


Petplan Equine Insurance provides insurance cover for horses, ponies and donkeys from 30 days to 19 years, and providing the policy starts before the horses 20th birthday cover is offered for illness and injury untill the horse is 25 years old. This pic'n'mix policy covers Death and Theft as standard and can then be tailored to suit individual needs. There are options for Vet Fees cover, Third Party Liability cover, Personal Accident cover, Loss of Use cover, Disposal, and Saddlery and Tack cover available. Petplan Equine also insure trailers. Petplan Equine's Rider plan policies cover those who ride but do not have their own horse. With options for Young Riders, a Basic and Delux adult policy there's a policy to suit all riders needs and budget.

Petplan Equine Primary Horse Insurance cover offers a maximum sum insured for loss by Death or theft of up to £30,000, with a 24 hour a day Legal Advice Helpline. You can add optional extra cover to this basic policy including £3,500 or £5,000 cover for Vet Fees per condition; £1million, £3million or £5million for Third Party Liability cover; £10,000 or £20,000 for Personal Accident cover and choices of 60% or 100% of the horses market value for Permanent loss of use cover. Cover for the cost to replace Saddlery and Tack is also available.

The Primary Veteran Horse insurance offers a maximum sum insured for Loss by Death or Theft of £1,500, with a 24 hour a day Legal Advice Helpline. You can choose to add optional extra cover to the Primary plan such as £1,000 cover for Vet Fees per condition; £1million, £3million or £5million for Third Party Liability cover; £10,000 or £20,000 for Personal Accident cover, and the cost to cover replacement Saddlery & Tack.

The Young Rider & Basic Adult Rider policies offer £10,000 towards Personal Accident cover with the Young Rider Policy also offering £2,500 towards Tuition Fees. £1,000 towards Riding Equipment, Custodial Liability and Emergency Veterinary Fees and up to £1,000,000 for Third Pary Liability. The Delux Adult Rider policy provides £20,000 towards Personal Accident cover and £1,500 towards Riding Equipment, Custodial Liability and Emergency Veterinary Fees and up to £3,000,000 for Third Party Liability.


Primary Horse and Primary Veteran Horse Insurance N/A.

Primary Horse Insurance and Primary Veteran Horse Insurance plus optional extras various excess fees apply:Vet fee Excess is £145 per Vet Fee claim with no extra percentage to add, with an optional higher excess of £500, Third Party Liability excess of £250 for property damage, £100 excess for Saddlery and Tack.

Rider only policies: various by policy type.

Age Limits

Primary Horse Insurance, and with extra cover: Cover is available for horses, ponies and donkeys from 30 days of age to 25 years providing their policy starts before their 20th birthday.

Veteran Horse Insurance, and with extra cover: Cover for horses, ponies and donkeys aged 17 years and over.

Rider only policies: Cover available for riders from 5 to 75 years old.

Waiting Period

Primary Horse Insurance, Primary Veteran Horse Insurance and Rider cover: cover starts immediately.

Primary Horse Insurance with extra cover: Injuries are covered immediately, Illness cover starts 14 days after policy inception if applicable.

Additional Policy Information
Please note

Policies are subject to exclusions and conditions so please always consult the insurer's policy documents before you buy. 

Pet Insurance Review compiles the latest Policy information and general company information from each insurers website with the information gathered on the date shown. We make every effort to ensure the information is correct but cannot be held responsible for any inaccuracies.  

Company info

Petplan Equine are known for their specialist knowledge and have been a leading horse and rider insurance provider since 1988. Petplan Equine aim to provide straightforward cover catering for everyone from the happy hacker to the polo professional. They cover Vet Fees for illness until your horse is 25 years old as long as they are covered by Petplan Equine before they are 20. Petplan Equine cover diagnostic and complementary treatment recommended by a vet, and in 2017 paid out nearly £1million in claims per month.

Petplan Equine Insurance Reviews

Insurer: Petplan Equine
Posted: 09/12/2019

I have had my horse insured with petplan Equine for the last 2 years. He has been diagnosed with a chronic degenerative condition that he cannot be cured for. Petplan have had his claim for 6 weeks and despite being chased at least once a week have not...
