Over 77% of customers rate Muddy Paws Pet Insurance (formerly VetsMediCover) as "excellent" and give them 5 stars.
Muddy Paws Insurance strive to provide a user friendly application process, intelligent underwriting, outstanding customer service and a dedicated, efficient claims management process to help them stand out from the crowd. They offer 3 levels of Lifetime Cover and a 12 month Time Limited plan designed to cover your pet for injuries and short term illnesses.
Their Lifetime cover policies cover dental treatment, complementary treatments pet travel insurance and death benefits. They have a dedicated claims line.
Customers praise their user-friendly application process, intelligent underwriting and outstanding customer service. Others like that they cover hereditary and congenital conditions.
Read customer reviews and get a quote by clicking the button below to find out if Muddy Paws Insurance could be the perfect insurer for you and your furry friends.
Choose between their Lifetime Policies offering £4,000, £6,000 or £10,000 of vet fees cover per condition or accident that renews each year on policy renewal, as long as there is no break in cover. Any condition is covered for as long as necessary if the policy is renewed. Additional cover includes; £750 Complementary Therapy, accident related Dental care and £350 per year for non accident related dental care excluding scale and polish, £350 death benefit, £1,000,000 Third Party Liability (dogs only), cover for emergency boarding fees, prescription diets, loss or theft of pet and overseas travel. Hereditary and congenital conditions are also covered.
Alternatively choose their Time Limited (12 month) policy which offers £2,000 cover for vet fees per condition or accident during the period of insurance. Once the policy term has elapsed or limit is reached that injury or condition is no longer covered. £500 Complementary treatments, £2,000 accident related Dental care, £250 death benefit, £500,000 Third Party Liability (dogs only) and some cover for emergency boarding fees, prescription diets, loss or theft of pet and overseas travel are available. Hereditary and congenital conditions are covered.
£90 standard Excess on each claim Third Party Liability cover: £250 excess (dogs only).
From 8 weeks old to 8 years at policy inception (some breeds restricted to 5 years old at policy inception).
Illnesses 14 days, accidents or injury 5 days.
Policies are subject to exclusions and conditions so please always consult the insurer's policy documents before you buy.
Pet Insurance Review compiles the latest Policy information and general company information from each insurers website with the information gathered on the date shown. We make every effort to ensure the information is correct but cannot be held responsible for any inaccuracies.
Muddy Paws Insurance (formerly VetsMediCover) strive to provide a user friendly application process, intelligent underwriting, outstanding customer service and a dedicated, efficient claims management process to help them stand out from the crowd. They offer 3 levels of Lifetime Cover and a 12 month Time Limited plan designed to cover your pet for injuries and short term illnesses.