Avoid. Will not pay out large claims


I have been paying manypets between 150 and 180 and month for 5 years. I thought I would pay for a high quality insurer to get the best service, how wrong I was. I could have picked the lowest priced insurer and got the same rubbish service.

In April I had a scan for my dogs limp. I raised a claim for the scan and waited for manypets to pay back to me.

In the months that followed. My dog was diagnosed with cancer, lived out his final months, died and his ashes returned to me in a box. STILL manypets have not processed his initial claim. They are doing everything they can to avoid paying out, dragging their feet at every possible step. I realise now that I wasted that money and could have just used the cheaper insurers and got the same results.


Mixed Breed


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