by reviewer
I don't usually leave reviews but felt the need as Sainsbury's performed amazingly when my dog recently became very unwell and passed away. My dog started showing signs of an upset stomach which the vet initially thought to be a stomach infection or something similar. Within 2 weeks he had lost so much weight he was unrecognisable and sadly when the tests came back it confirmed lynphoma. The most aggressive kind and sadly it had happened so rapidly that the vet did not think chemotherapy was an option. Our dog was put to sleep 10 days before Christmas and it was one of the most difficult times of my life, it was so unexpected he was only 5 years old and a picture of health. We had incurred costs of over £1000 with medication and tests for him in this time as well and we were had no money for any extras or Christmas expenses.
Sainsbury's made the process really smooth, they did ask for his medical history from his previous vet which slowed things down a little bit they managed to pay out the claim before Christmas which was a huge relief for us. I was very surprised by how sensitively and quickly they handled everything, I was also incredibly grateful for this as I was too emotionally fragile to cope with lots of questions or paperwork at that time, it was all done between Sainsbury's and my vet.
I can't thank them enough. They handled everything with extreme compassion.
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