Appalling service all round


Currently scoring 1.9 out of 5 on UK Google reviews and 2.5 out of 5 on Trustpilot.....Our story..............Toby is our 8 year old Labrador, thankfully he has never been unwell in the past and therefore never needed to visit the vet. Every year, he only visited when his vaccinations were due, in previous years we highlighted he had small lumps, the vet said they were fatty lumps and are common on the Labrador breed and there was nothing at all to be concerned about. Unfortunately, a couple of months ago during his annual vaccine visit, the vet highlighted that these lumps had grown very quickly in a short period of time and that some could eventually affect his mobility, so he advised us it would be beneficial to get them removed. Toby had the operation on the 11th April. Since the advice a couple of months ago we have endured the worst communication system ever, the online portal is an absolute farce, long winded and utterly confusing....... we also attempted to ring them and waiting for ages to get through on the phone only to be cut you off by the call handler. So here we go, after so much delaying, eventually, Argos Pet insurance, the frustrating long winded company, has refused to pay out on our claim? Stating their classic ‘disclaimer’ excuse, the ‘condition’ was connected to a previous visit to the vet??? Informing us that we should have notified them about this condition at renewal stage? Why would we mention a fatty lump that the vet said was not a concern?


Mixed Breed


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