Quote over &4600 a year for bone dog


We have just been quoted £374+ a month for renewal of our dog's pet insurance. Well over double last year's premium. No wonder the company are called More Than. We are told only £1000 is left to claim on a pre-existing illness and total vet fees of only £8000 will be paid out. That's less than half of what we will pay in insurance. On top of that we have an excess of £150 and 20%. We don't need all the add-ons that More Than seem to think are so valuable - just medical insurance. It seems More Than wish to recoup last year's claims - so are they an insurance company or a money lender? We can't switch companies due to the age of our dog and pre-existing illness so do we go it alone?
Beware when choosing a pet insurance with reasonable fees when your dog is a healthy puppy. The fees will increase and it seems that the sky is the limit!




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