Keep far away from them, slow and fishy.


I have two cats, both were insured with Insurance paid with direct debit. One of cats required veterinary attention. We made a claim for him. After a month they asked for additional documentation. We have send it. After another month they answered positively. Now, we are waiting over three months for refund.

In the meantime they send us a renewal quote. For the cat we made a claim for the quote was bigger. We decided it is not suitable anymore to keep our cats insured there and we have cancelled both policies. They have confirmed cancellation by email. And right now I have found in my transactions' history an unagreed direct debit for amount which is neither the old rate, nor new rate.

So, in summary, after 5 months since initial claim I've got no refund, policies has been cancelled and they are still taking money.


Mixed Breed Cat


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