RIP off Tesco Pet Insurance


We have a 2 year old beagle whom we insured with Tesco’s Bank. We received this years renewal at nearly £900 which was an increase of 63% with no claims made during the policy year. I have spoke to customer services to query the increase on a variety of occasions, all advisors agree that the price does seem excessively high. I was advised that I didn’t have to continue with the policy! I have explained that when you take a lifetime policy you hope to stay with that insurer for the Pets lifetime. Furthermore when I noticed that the policy showed that Lily hadn’t been spayed I contacted them back to say that on the vets advice she was spayed at 6 months as it was explained to me that she was less likely to develop mammary cancer. Obviously this was funded by ourselves. I naively hoped this might be taken into account and reduce the premium. Sadly this is not the case I was told that the would have to increase the premium by a further £65 a year. The explanation I was given was that the reason this resulted in an increase was statistic showed that pet owners that have had there pets spayed were more likely to make a claim in the future - absolutely ridiculous! Needless to say we will be leaving Tesco’s Pet Insurance asap.




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