e and l pet insurance


Dont ever ever take a policy with E and L insurance for pets been with them years £40 a month Crystal is 11 had cystitis once in 11 years exclusion at renewal nothing for any urinary issues including bladder cancer totally unrelated, the vet noticed fatty cyst on legs no action but not covered for any tumours cysts cancer etc anywhere on body from renewal disgusting and has the cheek to boast our Senior Pet Insurance


Great Dane


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Posted: 26/06/2018

Hi, for the those having problems with this rubbish company, please follow these instructions, and I am sure you will have a changed attitude in the cavalier war they treat the FSA.

Go to the Financial Ombudsman Service website - on the tabs at the top select "How to complain" You will see steps 1 - 2.

Follow these implicitly and in your correspondence include "Complaint Requiring final response." Also, there is a freephone number ring and tell them your story the people the better. If you use email - the email address is only on your policy not on the website (I wonder why).

As it states on the FSO website, they have eight weeks to reply - I am sure this will be a lot quicker.

The Financial Ombudsman Service has teeth, not like some that you have to deal with - happy hunting any successes post a comment on this review, and it may inspire others to stand up to this firm.