Good for us.


I feel compelled to write and say how GOOD we have found PDSA. My 7 y/o Vizsla has been covered with them since 12 weeks. No claims (touch wood) have had to be put in for him. Premium has stayed steady and we’re happy. So happy in fact, that it was a no brainer to then cover our 2nd Vizsla with them. Well, what a poorly little fella we’ve ended up with. Liver issues and in and out of the vets with subsequent problems. We have put three claims in now, never had so much as a quibble from PDSA for each one. They email receipt of each form and within a couple of weeks the money is in. Yes, there are exclusions and some of the original cost isn’t recovered, (all in the fine print if you bother to check your policy properly) but after spending nearly £3k now getting our boy better, we can’t grumble at a few deductions. We would no way have afforded the treatment without them. I’m expecting the premium to rocket next year, but then who would even touch us after so many issues now anyway? The fact it’s also a donation to a great charity is a bonus.




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