Absolutely useless.


I have been with Animal Friends for 2 and a half years.
and have a 10 year old Bulldog who has been on medication for arthritis for between 1 and 2 years but could walk for a couple of miles. I didn't claim anything for the medication.
When I went to the vets because his condition had worsened and the vet said his joints on his back right leg had become so bad they had fused and recommended hydrotherapy for exercise and strengthening his muscles.
When I ran Animal friends to enquire if he would be covered for Arthritis they said he wouldn't because he's had arthritis for over a year and the policy only covered conditions for 365 day period and because he had arthritis prior to the worsening of his condition, he wouldn't be covered.
I will cancel once I make sure they are not deceiving me!


English Bulldog


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