Total Rip Off


For those of you considering taking out Pet Insurance, take my advice and AVOID AT ALL COSTS.
We submitted 2 claims in March, totalling approximately £480. After numerous delaying tactics, we received 2 cheques a couple of days ago, with deductions of over £200. They deducted a claim for a home visit to our dog (even when when pointed out that our dog couldn't stand up) and was therefore unable to get to the Vets. They also deducted an amount of £39 claiming the vet charged too much, what did they expect us to do, haggle with the vet when he pricing up our Dog's medication??

We have been with Asda pet insurance for over 10 years and have only ever submitted two claims (only ONE was paid out) in that time and this is the way they treat you!!
I would also like to point out that they denied receiving numerous E mails I had sent them, despite them sending me an automated response saying they would get back to me as soon as possible??
From reading other reviews, clearly I'm NOT ALONE in my opinions of this Company! Don't go near them.


German Shepherd


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