Surprising Cover


We have 3 dogs insured through Pet-Insurance on life time cover and paying 12 monthly. One of the dogs has Cancer and the first operation (2 sites) / scans etc cost £9k followed by 6 chemo therapy treatments and a follow up scan. All of the treatment combined is running at about £15k and as i write this he is undergoing a second operation at £3k
Pet-insurance has paid most of the bills to date (I went over the limit in 1 month and had to pay) I agree they do pay a bit late, but I paid £40 to Wear Referrals and they sort everything out all I have paid is the initial over limit cost and £135 excess. The policy renews itself on the 2nd of each month so the policy limits reset themselves and are available again in full on the 2nd of each month. I see in some reviews not to insure your pet it's not worth it. Please ignore them and insure your Pet, you may not need it today but when you do it can be expensive. I rate Pet-Insurance and my wife's horse is also insured with them. Do your research when taking out a policy, and ensure you know what you are buying. They do answer phone calls and are very helpful. I have given them 5 out 5




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Posted: 03/04/2018

This can’t be a real review I put in a claim in mid February and still haven’t been paid. I put in a claim around a year ago and same story. Absolute pants! Avoid at all costs bunch of cowboys

Posted: 15/10/2018

Are you sure you're talking about the same company as everybody else??? This company is a complete waste of time and money. They lie to you, vets in the area will not accept them as reliable and any payments for operations etc have to be made beforehand. Why do we pay insurance???

Posted: 10/01/2019

Agree with your comment about this company....disgusting!