10 years with E and L


I see they have tried a new image and re birthed themselves as Emporium.

I have had the same hassle with my four pets over 10 years, two lots of vets who don't want me as a client as a result- unless you can pay hefty expenses up front. I cc the CEO into my emails-but I don't think he really is concerned about the reputation of his company - nor its shareholders, prime mover for this company is profit.
I think over 10 years my emails to them re claims non payment etc- our now into the 100's. And you always have to remind them of multi animal policy price reductions.

I imagine the staff are badly trained-paid-and motivated too-hence the feel of the company to clients. E and L need new direction and leaders- who pride themselves on care and customer satisfaction.


Brittany Spaniel


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Posted: 18/01/2018

Just called to get some help and advice about insuring my dog aged 11years. The person who answered the phone was so completely uninterested and unmotivated that they hardly inspired me. I asked about Senior Dog insurance and was told they don't offer it even though their website says they do. Had a ridiculous conversation about whether it was on their website or not! Then was told that was offered by companies trading under different names but part of E & L and would I like her to go through all the different agreements of those companies. Told her no! I have phoned up in good faith to get advice not spend 30 minutes on a phone call where you reel off some unhelpful information to me as a customer and don't give a hoot about trying to help me choose which one. Totally and completely useless!