

In line with many others I have read, I have concluded that they need to be investigated by the Financial sector and Trading Standards.

I realised today they had not taken payment for my dogs insurance at the start of this month. Phoned and eventually got through by ringing the "Sales" number.They stated they had failed to collect payment at the start of December 1st or 2nd normally. My bank had allegedly declined payment so they cancelled my policy on the 5th of December.

Stated they had sent 3 emails (to the wrong email address) and could not reinstate the policy but I could take out a new one there and then over the phone.

Never mind that they have my address and 2 phone numbers they could have contacted me on to address any payment issue. Not them, they informed me today that the policy was cancelled on 5th December 2017.

In short my dog was uninsured from that date until today and I had no idea, scandalous. Is it coincidence that I read of their interpretations of illness of others pets as "not been declared etc" despite no connection between existing and new problems?

I am lucky, my dog who will be 11 years old at the end of March has never been to the vets other than his annual jabs and check up. Not the point though as he could have been taken ill or worse from the day they cancelled his policy. Worse still I was unaware. My fault you may say as I should have checked my bank account. Fair comment apart from the fact the payment was by continuous card payment. Had it been annual or Direct Debit my bank would have alerted me, they offered neither of these options.

Now taken out a new policy today which has a 14 day period before kicking in but at least offered annual or Direct Debit.

I will be considering everything and will make a decision on whether to report them to appropriate authorities,I probably will. I urge everyone else with issues to do the same. My dog is more important than my car but what car insurer would cancel a policy 2 or 3 days after failing to get your payment? Particularly when they have numerous contact options and there was no fault on my part and funds in my bank?


Springer Spaniel


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Posted: 06/04/2018

If you provided a email address, how they supposed to know it is incorrect! Sounds like they attempted to contact you. They may have your address and phone number but If you have chosen email as the preferred method of contact then that's how you would be contacted.