

After using E&L for all my pets over the years having no problems this time having claimed I am shocked at the outcome to the claim, my gsd got a virus and was in the vets for 3 days on a drip and having tests and the vets have put down on the claim form gastroenteritis. E&L have after 7 months decided yes they will pay out but they sent me a letter saying that because of this after 365 days my gsd whole digestive system will no longer be covered,I did ring them up to ask why this was as in my opinion this was unfair decision considering it was just gastro and what if later on in his years something god forbid bad was to happen or he swallowed something not saying he would but you never no, he would not be covered and if I don't have the money to pay for it what is to happen he dies, the answer I was given was YES sorry. I could not believe what I was hearing so asked when does my policy end luckily it's in 3 months so told them to cancel it after then.


German Shepherd


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