M&S Dog cover


i took out M&S premier cover on our rescue dog, she was 4 yr old then. The first year's the cover was £26.50 p/m. which seemed fine. However it turns out that our dog has allergies so needed to be tested and have a monthly injection ever since.
Our premiums are set to go up to £176.32 per month from Dec.
I have done a bit of analysis and the avg percentage increase year on year is 38%. M&S now seem to want us to pay almost 7 times our starting premium.So that's from £318 in the first year to £2115.29 in the 5th year - that's quite an increase. I'll be looking elsewhere. Otherwise if my dog lives to 12yrs and there's a 38% increase between now and then...... i'll be looking at over £7,000 in premiums and approx £600 a month.What other insurance costs so much or goes up so much?


German Shepherd


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Posted: 14/11/2017

In the same boat ..
my 9 year old standard poodle also has allergies and needs monthly injections, which I give him. He has no other issues and has only ever been insured with M&S on the Premier plan. I checked my bank today as I didn’t get a renewal letter this time and I’m shocked his premium has just increased to £251 per month, that’s £3022.00 for the year, up from £2300 last year. The treatment costs are £500 per year, not sure what the insurance covers apart from an outrageous exploitation of fear

Posted: 22/05/2018

Yeah same...started out as £20 month for 6 week old cocker pup. Now pay £311 a month for him aged 12... shameful. Avoid M&S pet insurance like the plague. My thoughts are they want to price you out of cover for life so they save money. Crooks

Posted: 13/12/2018

I have been with them for 19 years on and off! and there is no loyalty with them. My premiums jumped 60% I nearly had a heart attack! my cat has ongoing kidney issues but it is so unfair on loyal paying customers to do this after all the money they have paid in! they blame vets fees, postcode (to which I haven't moved!) age of animal. there should be a stop to them putting what they like on the premium! all they do is give animals a death sentence! it should be properly regulated.