Animal friends


Animal friends - warning ........ do not use ......... We had an insurance policy with this company for our pedigree birman cat Max who unfortunately had to be put to sleep last November aged 3 with FIP. I submitted everything from the vet and Animal friends took their time and after chasing them several times eventually paid for the tests and euthanasia less excess. Today I contacted them to take out insurance for our new kitten and in the course of my conversation about their different policies discovered from the operative that I could have claimed at the time of Max's death for compensation for the initial cost of Max. Max cost us £350. The operative said I was out of the 90 days claim period and asked me if I hadn't been advised at the time that I could claim. No one at Animal Friends advised us that we were entitled to this and I have been told today that after 90 days you are unable to claim. I asked to speak to a manager who also said I now couldn't claim and then initially told me that I wouldn't have been able to claim for Max as you can only claim for death of a pet after they reach the age of 10, when I kept questioning this he went away to check and said he was sorry that information about age was wrong. Again I asked why I wasn't advised at the time that I could claim and he said that I should have read all my policy paperwork and it is not down to Animal Friends to advise you of what you are entitled to. I informed this 'manager' that I was extremely upset and would write a review regarding my dealings with Animal Friends




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