

My dog is 3.5 years old, in good health, he has regular check ups at the vets.
Tesco has just sent me my new annual premium and it's doubled!
How the hell can they justify that, scandalous, just like all types of insurance, they take us all for mugs and they act on the verge of being criminals.


French Bulldog


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Posted: 06/08/2017

I have had exactly the same experience with my 5 year old Yorkie poodle cross It is now £54 a month !! Tesco extremely unhelpful and advised I could cancel and take out same policy online as a new customer which is coming in at £29 !! I will be looking elsewhere as this is ridiculous I have another dog and two cats and am sure can get multi pet discount elsewhere which Tesco do not seem to offer
Tesco seem to find their introductory offers by joining up prices for existing customers

Posted: 06/09/2017

Hi, I'm not at all surprised at your shock of the cost of your pet Insurance.
My last dog was a Labrador cross, hence Not deemed a pedigree breed. Although our lovely pet Dog was precious to us. Tesco Insurance cover went through the roof.
Shop around if you can, its a post code lottery, re-: depends on where you live, as vets in certain areas are extremely expensive for vetinary care & medication. Shenfield & Brentwood are expensive in particular.