MoreThan have been absolutely AMAZING for me and my two dogs!
I have MoreThan premium cover for a 3 year old collie and a 9 1/2 collie x springwr, my premium went up about £10 last year which seems more than fair considering I claimed approximately £6500 in the previous year, after my youngest dog needed spinal surgery! I have had to claim multiple times for the same issue from 2 different vets and a physiotherapist. I have not once been questioned over anything, simply asked the vets to claim direct which they did and were paid promptly. The Physiotherapist wanted to be paid per session by me and then I claimed it back and MoreThan paid within about 2 weeks if each claim form. My premiums did increase a lot when My eldest turned 9, however having looked around this is completely normal as with age comes issues. My premium for both dogs covered with the premium cover which is a lifetime policy and pays up to £12,000 per year and costs £47 per month, this was about £37 last year but after such a huge claim with no issues I believe this was reasonable, also consider if this was car insurance it would have shot up by extremely more. I have always found staff on the phone, helpful, polite and caring! I have no issue in recommending MoreThan pet insurance!!!
Border Collie
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Hi, this is how they trick you, the lifetime policy means you can never change insurers and after yeah 5 it goes up!! Mine is £124/m now. I can't claim for anything I've previously claimed for and can't change companies..... worst insurer.