Spurious ongoing arthritis


Our Dog, Rani, has RECENTLY been diagnosed as having arthritis. We weren't aware we could claim on such a condition, but our vet said we could, so put the claim in, based on this diagnosis.
Our claim has been turned down based on the arthritis, being an existing condition first diagnosed in 2012!!! Basically we were told she appeared a little stiff legged, which may or may not turn into arthritis further down her life. We have used joint aid( not prescribed),advised by pet shop for Labradors getting older and the Company has basically said that that Ian an admission of the dog having arthritis. We asked how we could have claimed in 2012 to 2013 as there was nothing to claim for?? We were served an answer of legal spaghetti .....Insurance has been terminated, don't suppose a refund will be forthcoming??


Labrador Retriever (Black)


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