Daylight robbery - Sainsburys


Just want to share this with anyone thinking about taking out a pet policy with Sainsburys.
I was looking for pet insurance for my dog. He had previously eaten a sock and had to be operated on. I specifically called Sainsburys to discuss this prior to taking out their insurance. I was told on the phone that there would be an exception policy. I argued that I would agree if it was restricted to just socks, as what's the point in getting insurance if the pet isn't insured for anything it may ingest?
Sure enough the little rascal ate part of a towel and I called Sainsburys at the time to make them aware. They then said that this would be an issue due to an exception on the policy. I made clear to them the above. They then said they had no record of my call and to cut a long story short, rejected my claim.
Company morals are minimal, the guy on the end of the phone had the compassion of a postage stamp.
If you do take insurance with them get everything in writing and don't trust them as far as you can throw them. Due to my experience many friends of mine and family members will not be renewing with Sainsburys. I strongly urge you to do the same.


English Springer Spaniel


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