Made a cold, wet day bright and sunny!


I don't have Pet insurance with More Than but have had my home contents insurance with them for many years. Although only ever made one claim was very satisfied with the outcome. When renewing my content insurance on Tuesday last I was asked if I was interested in taking out other cover car, pet etc. I said Tam my crazy but lovable collie dog has a chronic back problem and therefore, from experience with previous pet insurer, knew premiums would be high....and whatever problem arose would be attributed to his back injury. The operative, Amanda I think? asked me what the problem was with his back. When I explained that he was a rescue collie and while we knew nothing of his history, the Vetinary Hospital has diagnosed him with chronic pain in his back with spine and hip slightly fused, probably as a result of a severe beating prior to us rescuing him. There was no pressure put on me to take out insurance and Amanda expressed sympathy for Tam.

Today, much to my surprise and Tam's delight we received a package from PetPresents containing treats and toys. At first I thought it was an expensive promotion by PetPresents but, only after I looked at the back of the card that came with it did I see it was a More Th>n card containing a lovely message from Amanda. A lovely gesture that made my day and Tam's too. A big thank you from me and Tam ra collie dug!


Border Collie


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