Rejected parts of claim for vets treatment


My Labrabor aged 9 1/2 was taken to the vet to investigate a breathing problem, she had several scans, biopsies,an x-ray,blood test all revealing nothing wrong, the vet decided to do an outside test again on Lung worm, and in the meantime give her Lungworm medicine £66.00 the test came back clear. However a few weeks later she collapse up the garden, I called the vet who came with a nurse who carried her to my boot to take to the vets for obs. There was no way I could have carried Becky down the garden, she weighed 44 kg and I am over 70. They have rejected these off the claim.So along with the £99.excess and almost a thousand pounds I have paid already, I wonder why pet insurance is worth it.


Labrador Retriever (Yellow)


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