Bunch of con artists....avoid if you love your pet


Got a quote for my cat via compare the market,paws and claws came back reasonable not the cheapest, but middle,policy started beginning August I paid 2months upfront,set up dd for rest.
2days after taking out policy,my cat who has never had to go vets for illness shown symptoms of a uti,so I went vets who told me she had an abdominal mass.
As this happened within the first 14 days I knew they wouldn't cover so requested to cancel. I heard nothing back ( thought I'd be under the cooling off period)
Yesterday get an email saying despite all letters I am refusing to make payment of £10 and they will be referring me to debt collection agency. Confused I call up to have a rant I've paid 2 months and the next wasn't due til Sept.
Got a smarmy guy who told me I'm being charged to cancel as im midterm,and it's administration fee,they are keeping my 2 months but there's a shortfall,hence the request for £10, i say it's been 2 days and I should have 14 days to cancel,to which he replies don't matter if you cancel after an hour you still pay 30 fee.
Explained my pet was dying and I was looking at paying thousands in tests and he said so you are refusing to pay £10 today then,I will write that in the notes!

What a complete and utter jerk,I've never paid anything like this on other pet policies and just checked the other company I used prior,no mention of a fee for cancellation within the 14 days,and I couldn't see it in terms and conditions until he resent it,and then it was that small and appears it's not the actual insurer who takes the fee but them as middleman! They don't care,go to reputable well known company,believe me wish I did


Domestic Short Hair


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