Recently I found a lump on Cally's neck. To cut a long story short, thankfully it was a benign tumour. Paid the £75 excess direct to vets and they sent off claim form, our 1st ever claim and thought that would be the end of it. How wrong was I. Our vets and I received a letter saying they wouldn't pay out. It wasn't on their list of illness etc. IF IT HAD OF BEEN CANCER they would of paid out. AS IT WASN'T CANCER THEY WONT.
Medium Mixed Breed (31 - 59 lbs)
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I have put five claims in over the last month for my dogs illness amounting to approx £1800.00 which I paid out expecting to get it back on insurance and they are refusing to pay as it's not on there list of ailments.
This is not an insurance company it's the biggest con I have ever come across in my life.