My dog is only 4 and fit and renewal has just gone through the roof from £28 per month to £43! I have not renewed and got an equivalent quote from sainsburies for £24 per month.I went with m and s as I thought they had a good reputation however the lady on the phone that I spoke to could not understand the price hike either but said it could not be reduced. Its a shame but they just lost my custom.
Labrador Retriever
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We use Sainsburys, and I have been pleased with the service, but it appears like everyone our policy has rocketed at renewal from £28 to £37!! £112 per year more, phoned them and they can't or will not budge,poor dog is only 2.5yrs old, heaven knows what it will be when he is 6!! ( 1st yr£25 2nd yr£28 3rd yr£37... but they blame ins tax ????? but looks like everyone is in the same boat, so sad, its cheaper to ins my home and contents...