Thanks tescos


My cat had a accident two years ago and was covered up to £3000 with tesco and I paid the rest by direct debt about £150 a month for ten months she lost a leg. On Friday I came home to find she had another injury to her front leg so took her to vets I then phoned tesco to let them know the vet will be in contact about the claim. The vets then phoned me later to tell me that tesco said they will not pay out if it turns out that she has been hit by a car again as they have already paid out two years ago. Not once did they tell me I could not make a second claim if she got hit again. As we could not afford the vet bill which was £1036 to give her pain relief and a X-ray to see what was wrong. Then whatever it would cost to treat her injury God only knows we had no choice but to put her to sleep. This is why we had pet insurance that tesco was taking of me each month. Thanks a lot tescos breaking the news to the kids was so hard and I to pay £430 vets costs for the privilege but most of all we all lost our family pet


Domestic Short Hair


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