I completely agree with everyone on here they are disgusting and a rip off company something should be done to stop companies doing what they do! We have a 6 year old Bernese Mountain Dog have insured with them for a couple of years and this year the premium rose From £60 to £90!! Their customer service is absolutely useless as when I rang them and complained I was told its because of the claims....I said what claims?He then said oh its because of Vet price increases I said but I paid £31 for 2nd puppy vaccine 6 years ago and have just paid £34 now an increase of £3 thats only about 10 % over 6 years you've increased mine by 50 % the reply oh thats because you had an introductory discount....um yep I did 10%!!!! Quite clearly their staff have absolutely no idea how their policies are worked out!!! Now I've just discovered I don't even have life cover!! I thought I did as at the time I was with Direct Line another expensive company and said I would like what I had with them life cover etc they sold me their extra cover which it turns out isn't life cover at all!!!!!! They are liars and I would never recommend them ever!!!
Bernese Mountain Dog
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