The hoops these people expect you to jump through are ridiculous. I had pet posters made up for a missing pet. So nothing relating to a medical condition. They expected a full 12 medical history for the pet and a form stamped and signed by the vets practice. This I did. I then got a letter back saying that an actual Veternary Surgeon needed to sign the form as it had been signed by a royal veternary nurse. Bearing in mind that this was not a medical claim I called Heatlhy Pets to query this. The person I spoke to went to check with his manager and admitted that it was their error, that I did not need to get a surgeon to sign the form and he would see that the claim was processed. A month later I call them back as I still haven't received any funds. I speak to someone different who says that I do need to get the form signed by the vets surgeon after all. It has been two months since I first submitted the claim and I am still no closer to seeing my money. I will now need to go back to the vets to get the form signed for a second time. I am sure that they will go on to find another reason for not approving my claim. All this for some missing pet posters. I am furious and will be switching insurers as soon as possible.
Mixed Breed Cat
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Your review doesnt make sense. Why would you contact your insurer just so you can make up some missing pet posters?
Your review doesnt make sense. Why would you contact your insurer just so you can make up some missing pet posters?
comment by: Confused, 30 February 2016
There is a "missing pets" compensation part to insurance. The review DOES make sense. You would have noticed this part if you've ever read through pet insurance policies.
Maybe you should re-phrase your commentary by stating, "I don't understand..." as opposed to accusing someone of not making sense based on your own lack of knowledge.
Just a suggestion...
Your review made perfect sense to me. I also agree that a certain amount of tact could be used in any responses made.
Thank you for the information you provided, it has been helpful in my decision making.