

The hoops these people expect you to jump through are ridiculous. I had pet posters made up for a missing pet. So nothing relating to a medical condition. They expected a full 12 medical history for the pet and a form stamped and signed by the vets practice. This I did. I then got a letter back saying that an actual Veternary Surgeon needed to sign the form as it had been signed by a royal veternary nurse. Bearing in mind that this was not a medical claim I called Heatlhy Pets to query this. The person I spoke to went to check with his manager and admitted that it was their error, that I did not need to get a surgeon to sign the form and he would see that the claim was processed. A month later I call them back as I still haven't received any funds. I speak to someone different who says that I do need to get the form signed by the vets surgeon after all. It has been two months since I first submitted the claim and I am still no closer to seeing my money. I will now need to go back to the vets to get the form signed for a second time. I am sure that they will go on to find another reason for not approving my claim. All this for some missing pet posters. I am furious and will be switching insurers as soon as possible.


Mixed Breed Cat


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Posted: 10/02/2016

Your review doesnt make sense. Why would you contact your insurer just so you can make up some missing pet posters?

Posted: 08/02/2017

Your review doesnt make sense. Why would you contact your insurer just so you can make up some missing pet posters?

comment by: Confused, 30 February 2016

There is a "missing pets" compensation part to insurance. The review DOES make sense. You would have noticed this part if you've ever read through pet insurance policies.
Maybe you should re-phrase your commentary by stating, "I don't understand..." as opposed to accusing someone of not making sense based on your own lack of knowledge.
Just a suggestion...

Posted: 18/07/2017

Your review made perfect sense to me. I also agree that a certain amount of tact could be used in any responses made.
Thank you for the information you provided, it has been helpful in my decision making.