Just as any insurance company


Well, I ve been with them for three years now but only this year I started to making claims. My dog (bitch) had to have an emergency spey which has cost me approx £1000 in total and they refused to pay it out as they don't cover a spey. After a long battle with them and the help of my vet they decided to pay it out but they still classified all 3 vet bills as separate claims and therefore claimed the excess for 3 times.
Not long after the spey my dog was vomiting blood and had a diarrhea, claimed for that as we had to use out of hours vet and the bill was over £300. Two weeks ago, the same situation so we hoped to claim the money again but for the same symptoms they used two different claim classifications, the first one was "digestive system" and the last one is as "vomiting and diarrhea" whats the difference please??
Will definitely not use them again and definitely not recommend them.


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