Pet Plan is a Scam


Pet Plan is an Absolute SCAM. You’re premium goes up every year excessively in jumps like £15 to £20. Started off at £35 and eight years later is £105 . They cover absolutely nothing . The £780 dental work was considered cosmetic and not covered . I have stopped the insurance now as the first time I make a claim because my dog got sick, nothing was covered because I had to pay 20% excess deductible which was the cost of the visit and so Pet Plan wiggled their way out of paying anything. I paid and they didn’t . I cannot for the life of me understand why I have been paying thousands of pounds over the years and nothing nothing nothing was ever covered under their terms . Pet Plan are a scum insurance . Put your money in a bank account for your pet and pay for things this way . Note I was paying £105 per month for a £4000 coverage Do you know that a simple scan and test was priced at £8000 so even if you have pet insurance your £4000 doesn’t even get you a test result let alone any treatment . And your excess on a £4000 claim will be £800 . So the actual coverage is only £3200. Meanwhile in four years you could have £5000 in your pets bank account and in 8 years over £10,000 saved for treatment . I massively regret paying into Pet Plan all these years . They only care about making money and not you pet.


Mixed Breed


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Posted: 15/11/2023
By: Helen Lewis

Absolutely agree. As my dogs got older the premiums increased by 25% per year (now £1,800 per year!), the maximum payout has never changed. The excess increased to ridiculous amounts. It became totally unreasonable and unworkable. I cancelled the policies (I had no choice), if I’d saved the money instead of paying it to them I’d have over £12,000 to cover them for anything needed now. They’re a scam, and don’t care at all for pet health and welfare, only what the can squeeze from people who love their pets.